Jan 21, 2006 12:38
what's been happening with me you ask? not a hell of a whole lotta! wednesday i didn't go to the booty club...jeremy ended up coming over to hang out. we played trivial pursuit pop culture...which he fucking won! we also played music scene it...it was lots of fun. he let me borrow audition...which i still need to watch. good times
yesterday marcos and i went out to the alternative lounge...new place since atomix is no more. it was really nice! the dance floor was a little small...but they are going to fix that soon. it was really a great place though. they had a really good turn out too. i was surprised to see so many atomix regulars there...good good! hung out with michael, lotus, and jasmine. ryan showed up...which in the end...wasn't a good thing. i had been keeping something from marcos...and lotus kind of let it out of the bag...not on purpose or anything. i hadn't told marcos that ryan and jasmine had broken up...due to the fact that i knew he'd be all worried and what not. so he was pretty upset about it. i had also talked to ryan on the phone a week ago...just talked is all. i wanted to see if he would tell me that they had broken up...i asked him how him and jasmine were doing...he said good! haha! then i told him i knew and right away he had to get off of the phone.
so yeah...what does this mean? i'm now single. marcos was so upset...and i suppose he had every right to be...but whatever. i'm a stupid girl who is still hung up on the person i believe to be the love of my life. i didn't call him to try to get back with him. all i want is to be friends...we use to be such good friends. soooo...hopefully everyone reads this...and doesn't ask me where marcos is when you see me out next friday...
i was going to make this a friends only post...but i know that you will be looking for this. i truly am sorry marcos...you are a really really great guy...and i don't deserve you. i wish nothing but the best for you...and hope after time that we can still be friends.