Feb 25, 2007 15:05
So, it's been a while since I updated!
Here's the re-cap:
I now currently have a favorite school I like to sub at.
That would be Bruce Middle School.
Never thought I would like a middle school, but hey, I do!
They staff are uber friendly, I mean, I went one day, went back the following week and the principal remembered who I was, and said welcome back.
I've like, never really gotten that.
Wednesday Jesso, Jorge and I(Wow, I'm the only T name there) went to Limelites for Devon's birthday.
He's an old man now.. AH HAHAHAH. Just kidding.
But yeah, had lots of fun, I sang once, but most of the time was spent picking on Jesso, and playing Cats Cradle with Jorge.
We really need lives... LOL
Good times though, Jesso and I chatted for a while after she dropped me off at home too.
Thursday I went to the Casino with Sean, Babs, and Jesso, Chris, and Devin met up with us there and we had a pretty good time.
Chris claims if I ever have a kid, he's making the baby blanket, and I told him "If i"m pregnant for nine months, I'm going to have nothing else better to do but crochet.... The kid will have like a blanket for every year of its birthday... Here's the blanket for your first blanket, and there is one for your wedding day...LOL"
But yeah, good times.
Friday! Babs came over at like 10pm... During the day not much went on, at least that I could remember...
So anyway, Babs came over for some drinks, and we played Mario on the nintendo.
Then Toni called and invited us upstairs to her place, we went there, met up with Toni, Tyler and Chrissy(My friend for 15 years)
We literally spent the whole night talking, and shit, they ordered pizza at like 1:30, then we just chatted, I mean, the time just FLEW by cause we were having fun.
Didn't leave Toni's until like 5:30 in the morning, that's when Chris left, and Tyler left around 3 or 4 I think.
So I came back downstairs, I went online for alittle bit, then zonked out as Saturday I had that grease contest thingy.
Babs being the nutso she is, stayed up and ended up going to Walmart. LOL Met up with her mum and such.
Well later on in the day Babs came back over, and we went to St. Vital, cause well yeah, I had that Grease Contest.
So anyway, went and sang, we wandered the mall a bit after getting a bite to eat, and we bought the Russell Peters DVD.... HILARIOUS!
I can't believe he's retired already, that sucks...
But yeah.
Got home around like 5 or so, and we watched the DVD, Babs went home, and that was pretty much the night...
Sean went to sleep early because he has a really bad toothache.
He grinds his teeth at night and chipped a tooth.
Today, being Sunday, spend most the morning sleeping cause Sean woke up at like midnight and we stayed up until like two.
So I have been sitting on the couch with my Munky watching Criss Angel, and Sean's been on the computer watching I think CSI Miami... But I stole the PC for a couple minutes to write a post.
And later we're going to my parents place for dinner.
Then probably most likely sleep.
Well, I guess that is all for now.
I feel like I have written a novel!