tilmon tagged me so I'm obeying and posting!
The Rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. (I most likely do not have 8 people so I'll just tag the ones I've actually spoken to lol)
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
Printer, Mug, Flannel/facecloth, paintbrush (wth is that doing on the computer desk O_o), Sims 3 Ambitions (received yesterday!!)
2. How do you style your hair?
Wet hair, shampoo, condition, wash out, leave in towel until semi-wet...then depending on mood
A) If I have the patience, I blow-dry and straighten
B)If I'm feeling lazy (most days lol) just leave it to dry on its own and go curly.
Either way, Hair will end up curly...just less curly if I've straightened it.
3. What are you wearing now?
Underwear, black trousers, back top, barefoot (and hair up in a messy bun....sex bomb!)
4. What's your occupation?
Waitress at The Hilton's Oceana Restaurant
5. What do you hear right now?
Birds, my kettle overflowing and whatever is on on the TV (Jonas bros I think...my brother turned it over to Disney)
6. What's your favourite guilty pleasure treat?
Anything chocolate....but I don't feel guilty...lol Hmmm maybe when I randomly buy a bottle of wine? But again, no guilty feelings lol
7. What is/was for dinner?
It's 2.21pm and all I've eaten was a bread roll....now I'm hungry...
8. What did you do today?
After staying up til 3am to wake dad for work, I went to bed, woke to my alarm at 8, slammed my alarm onto my bedside table to shut it up, slept, woke at 10, got out of bed at 10:30...lazed about talking to mum on the settee, made tea, hung washing out, and am now doing this before going back on my sims...oh and I sent my availabilities to work for next week.
9. Dog person or cat person?
I like both really....Cats....they can be really sweet like when we had Tiger years ago, when I was ill, he'd cuddle into me...so would the other three, so I'd be surrounded but if I had to choose I'd choose a dog because I find cats too independent while my dogs are big babies who need me more and are more....lovey-dovey kinda thing...you know like Dommie goes hysterical when we get home, but when we had the cats we got no response unless they wanted food.
10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Rei...my Japanese teacher gave it to me...and to make it better, the Maltese shorten my name to Re (Rebecca) so it's not much different.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
McDonald's burger and then an ice cream after a crappy day at work...oh and probably water the next day for work....non-food? My Sims 3 Ambitions!!
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
JAPAN!! I've wanted to go for 3-4 years now
13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
University, working hard to become a child psychologist, maybe near to graduating depending on how long the course is...I think it's 6 years :/
14. Favourite book?
O_O Too many! Harry Potter most likely or Little Women
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Work lol
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Well I have an acoustic guitar but I don't know how to play but I'd love to learn to play the bass! (Blame Reita from the Gazette) Or the violin!
17. How are you?
Tired and have a slight headache...oh and I've irritated the muscle in my arm by my elbow...the one I've been carrying the cutlery tray on.
18. What are you doing tomorrow?
I'll probably go and see my grandfather cos I couldn't go last week and it's the only day I can this week...granddaughter duty and all....My family isn't close, long story.
19. What are you looking forward to the most?
Finishing my exams and actually passing into uni...and my next pay check lol
20. Is there anything you regret doing or not doing?
Yes a number of things, like things I should have said, or things I could have done different...but then I also think that had I done things different, I wouldn't be who I am today.
Now I have to tag people...
misfit_musicbox psycho_female and those are all lol