Jan 16, 2013 14:14
Well Malta is finally deciding that Gays are not unnatural and Dr Muscat ( Labour Party; opposition) has said that if he gets in, he will allow civil unions between homosexual partners. He has now also said that he is not against Same sex couples adopting (with I believe our present PM agreeing)
A friend on facebook however does not agree, which is her right, but this is her reasoning:-
[With all due respect to all the gays. and I
have nothing against them .....but I dont agree with this. How is it in
the child's best interest to have 2 'father's and 2 'mothers' ?]
And hell broke loose on FB (ok not really, but her post was debated a lot), with many of the people commenting against her.
She brought in the bible to support her claims, societies' norms, how they'd call a man "mummy" (I laughed at the ridiculousness of this) and how the kid would be bullied. And then she said "studies must be undergone to analyse the psychological aspect of a child when adopted by a gay couple."
This was my reply:-
On the basis of a remarkably consistent body of research on lesbian and
gay parents and their children, the American Psychological Association
(APA) and other health professional and scientific organizations have
concluded that there is no scientific evidence that parenting
effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation. That is,
lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide
supportive and healthy environments for their children. This body of
research has shown that the adjustment, development and psychological
well-being of children are unrelated to parental sexual orientation and
that the children of lesbian and gay parents are as likely as those of
heterosexual parents to flourish.
APA has continued to monitor the research since 2004 and report that
research in our amicus briefs, such as in the Gill vs. OPM case. On the
basis of the research, APA continues to oppose any discrimination based
on sexual orientation in matters of adoption, child custody and
visitation, foster care, and reproductive health services.
You wanted a psychological perspective, here it is. The reason you're
worried about children being raised in a same-sex parent family as that
they'd be bullied is because of people who have the insane thought that
just because a book says it is wrong, it is wrong. That because society
has decreed the norm is to have a norm that parents must be male and
female, anything else is wrong, and children growing up in such a
society are also taught it is wrong. And when they perceive something
out of the norm, they bully it. Children with heterosexual parents get
bullied too, does that mean that heterosexual parents are wrong? And
before you comment again on how "society this", that is just our
society. In other societies, it is the norm to have one father and
multiple wives, or in others that only women raise the families, the men
have nothing to do with it at all and the children are raised by only
In the nurture part of growing up, having parents of the same sex is
irrelevant when the environment is a loving one, full of compassion,
support and can help push the child to achieve it's potential.
Basically, You don't have anything against them, but they aren't fit enough to be parents.
Bullying would not be an issue if children were taught that 2 people of the same sex loving each other was natural and wonderful.
Children of same-sex couple would be accepted if people didn't discriminate based on who someone loves.
Children can grow up in a heterosexual parented family and go round schools killing anything that moved.
We create societies' norms. We can change them. And it's about time we did. Homosexuality is (thankfully) no longer considered a mental illness, and yet they, homosexuals, are still treated as a sub-group. If two people love each other enough to want to have a child and raise it, then why shouldn't they? And if it's considered unnatural, then heterosexual couples who cannot conceive should not be helped because naturally they can't have kids.
A child needs a loving environment where their needs can be met, they can be pushed to reach their potential and mainly where they can be loved. So many children are in homes because their *heterosexual* parents were unfit. How can you say a homosexual couple is unfit then, just because they are of the same sex?
Love and Nurture, of course with enough resources to raise the child comfortably, are needed to raise a child. Not Man+Woman. Love and Nurture.