Moving Along

Aug 03, 2006 18:28

My boss, today called me at work to ask me If I wanted to help him take down this bowling center in Clinton. Its about am hour away from Gaithersburg. Most of it is payed for, like gas but not sure on the food part. I'm probably going to camp out there or at my bosses house. I will be gone for a week, starting next Tuesday.

I hear the "ch-ching" do you?

Before the end of August I am going to take a weekend and fly out to Texas to see my freinds and family. This will help me decide if I want to move back for a short time. There's really nothing here for me, and I don't know anyone in Maryland. I really hate it here so I might as well be miserable in a state where I know people or have friends. I know I'm not going to stay there for to long, maybe a year or less then a year.

That's it for now.
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