Musings from the past seem apt...

May 11, 2012 00:35

This entry, however, from 16th September 2005, seems poignant:
When we are born, we are born without knowledge. We are born with only instinct. What we become is what we are made. We are truly the sum of our experiences. Each broken heart, each lonely tear, they all form a part of what we are. These experiences will directly affect our reactions in the future. It is not a conscious choice; it is intrinsic to our nature as humans. We can try to quell the quiet voices that remind us of similar situations, that resurface the hurt from previous experiences, but they will inevitably affect our reactions, and, consequently, our decisions.
Where we go from there is a choice. We can choose to follow a path that stems from rationalisation based on comparison, or we can once again step blindly. Holding a tattered heart, faltering in the darkness not knowing where the path leads, not knowing if we will leave the darkness bruised and scarred, or if we will survive; or both; or neither.
None of us can predict the future, and yet uncertainty can in turn be both the scariest and most reassuring feeling.

I am equal to the sum of my experiences, good and bad, and I will learn from my mistakes.
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