Sep 16, 2009 16:40

Today they posted the list of art collages that are coming for Third Coast week. Out of the 20+ collages that are coming, only one declined to actually come. CalArts. The one that I was really excited for. FFFFUUUUU-

Kinda bummed. Oh well, there's next year...hopefully.

Also, after sitting in an art school for the past two years, I've become immune to critique and I'm used to the nagging from everyone on my body of work. Today while one of my teachers was talking to me about my drawing project, she tells me that my method of inking makes everything looked traced and that I need to loosen up. I agreed and was like:

"Yeah, I'll do that."

Then she continues and ends with "It's great if you're fine with making D's and F's, but know that it's not grades we're talking about now, it's your ability to get into collage. With what you've been showing lately, the collage reps' aren't  going to be impressed."

I didn't think I was doing that bad..... And I'm actually putting effort into what I've been doing lately. |||OTL

otl, school

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