This is so much fun! Especially when Im board!
you are like the evil fairy, full of power, she
tends to use that power to destruct. But I know
that she can help our world be a better place,
with her strong will! She should use power
wisely, all this destroying saddness and
discomfort won't get her anywhere. These are
the main traits of the evil fairy. can you
relate to some of them? You probably can,
because that is what this quiz is for!
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by
Quizilla I'm depressed
why is YOUR livejournal annoying? brought to you by
Quizilla The vampire is entranced by you and he just met
you! Now thats power! Keep it up!(I'm running
low on pictures of vampires, dark angels and
angels... if you ahve any could you please give
'em to me? Much apperciated!)
Would a light angel, vampire or dark angel fall for you? brought to you by
Quizilla I have a natural high right now.....weeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!