May 11, 2008 01:17
Saw Iron Man. It was awseom ;D Ending was crap though.
It was far too hot today. I was working tonight and the lounge was just like. BLLLLLLARF.
Yes. I am I can't spell xD
I'll see this tomorrow I'll be all like "OMGWTF. I CAN'T SPELL LOLOLOLOL."
Cideeeeeeeer. Is my friend. Takes like apple jhuise :D
And I finally het an ecuse to use my drunk mood icon. Go underaged drunking ;D
P.S. Dies anyone read my jounrals. 'cuase I read yours :( And y'know it actually upsets me that no one replys to them. It's like I'm talking to myself. And a lot of people are stuck up their own arses. And don'y you hate it when you watch someone on dA and they watch yuo back...and then you comment on all their things but not once in about...2 years have they commented on any of your art or journals. That REALLY annoys me. :|
'k...Bed nowwwwwwww.
lolololol tags.,