May 08, 2004 10:45
HeartofHellfire: ::dances aroiund the romo with you::
Furious Jimmy: ROMO
HeartofHellfire: around the room, as well
HeartofHellfire: You leave my typo alone
Furious Jimmy: AROIUND TEH ROMO!!111
Furious Jimmy: uno
HeartofHellfire: You just made me like
HeartofHellfire: choke on my own spittle
Furious Jimmy: thats like the daft punk song
HeartofHellfire: I was trying to smoke a cigarette and you made me choke on uninahled smoke and spit and it was gross, thx d00d
HeartofHellfire: But, I'm laughing
Furious Jimmy: thats you're own falt
Furious Jimmy: smoke is nasty
Furious Jimmy: falt
HeartofHellfire: I'ts my FALT!!11!
Furious Jimmy: FALT
HeartofHellfire: I didn't say antying at first cause
HeartofHellfire: for like two seconds I thought you said it was my own fart
Furious Jimmy: ANTYING
HeartofHellfire: stfu
Furious Jimmy: antying fats
Furious Jimmy: farts
Furious Jimmy: dammit
HeartofHellfire: o cam mpt
HeartofHellfire: haha
HeartofHellfire: I can no longer reah
HeartofHellfire: breathe
Furious Jimmy: i cant reah either, its rough
HeartofHellfire: I know dude it suks
HeartofHellfire: My tit hurtsn ow
HeartofHellfire: It hurtsn
Furious Jimmy: your tits hurt?
HeartofHellfire: I'm laughing so fucking hard
HeartofHellfire: Its like boob excsirziz
HeartofHellfire: excerisze
HeartofHellfire: excersize
Furious Jimmy: haha
HeartofHellfire: Okay maybe I can breatheo nce more
HeartofHellfire: man wtf is up with my spacebar
Furious Jimmy: spacebars are the devil