reflections of the soul

Apr 04, 2004 04:43

I look in the mirror and what do I see but a reflection of myself that looks nothing like me.
who is this person starring back at me. she peers into my eyes like looking into the windows of my soul'
why is she here?
what is her Goal?
I gaze into her eyes the windows of my the tears of joy roll forward i realize.
I know, from the depths of my soul I know!
she has been here all along like the best part of a favorite love song.
I thought it week.She made it strong.
I look into the mirror and what do i see, but a reflection of myself, a brand new me.
the reflection of a woman were yesterday a young man had stood.he is she, she is me.The me i was meant to be!

( dedicated to all who suffer from gender identity issues )@2003J.R.Young
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