Feb 05, 2006 11:40
so i almost died today. I spent the night in flint last night cuz of the rds. well...today im coming home. and the rds are fine. Well i get off the express way coming into standish...and i look behind me and my next door neighborr was behind me. or at least i though it was him. theres so many of those cars around. but neways...im driving on 23...past standish. lots of now drifts on the rd. i was only doing about 35...i was following a big tour bus and trying to stay in the tracks going through six inches of snow on the rd. soo...my tire catches the side of the snow...and my car starts spinning...my first thought is ...of course..im gonna die. cuz theres cars all around me. secondly..i tried to keep the wheel going with the way the car was spinning. but i was 5 feet away from spinning into a guard rail...so i turned the wheel the other way.....and my car started spinning out of control again....finally....i hit the brakes when i saw that i had hit a clear patch of rd...and stopped myself 4-5 feet in front of another car. omg....i was so scared. so i collect myself..or try to and start driving again. a car pulls up to next to me..and it was Mike Mcbride. thank god. he gave me the thumbs up...and i folllowed him. im so glad he was behind me..if anything would of happened to me..i know he would of been out of his car in a second. lol. but thats the only news i have. so ttyl.