Where is his barracks?!

Jan 14, 2010 22:00

So, my husband was restarted. I have been getting letters from him, but I do not have a forwarding address. Just to let you know, he is only in training. Even though he was a Marine, he still has to go through the reg procedures of a different branch. So, it's like he started all over again. He broke his foot before Christmas leave and that backtracked him. He was being treated like crap by his unit, so I hope that they will treat him better in his new one. I should get a letter with the address soon...and then I can finally reply. There is so much I want to say. He hasn't heard from me in weeks, and we haven't talked since the day he went back from Christmas leave. Jan. 4 , 2010.

There is so much to do while he is gone. During these final weeks of training, we will find out where we are going to be stationed. I am praying it isn't way across the country, but if it is so be it. We do have a child, that has to move with us, and that is going to be hard on him. I feel horrible, because my husband is not my son's birth father. The worst part of that , is that my husband treats my son as his own, more than my son's father ever will or has. My son's father does not pay child support, is constantly mean to our child, and does not want him to move. So, I believe he is going to put up a fight about our child moving. He does not realize that this is for the best. My son's father is 2 hours away. He sends him to his mothers when he has visitation....and my husband and I are trying our best to work some custody aggreement out outside of court to take my son with us.  My son's father and I already have a custody aggreement, but it was written up when he was a child. With the military, my son will get the best schools, insurance we could never afford otherwise, a stable enviroment, a house, tons of friends, and so much more. My son's father doesn't see this or care. He thinks I am trying to rip his son away, and that is not the case. I want to give him as much time with his son as we can. We even have offered to pay for all the visits for my son to visit his dad. I do  not want him to miss his child grow up, or my child miss his natural father, no matter how horrible he may be. I am very stressed about this, I want to do this easy, without the court,  but I'm sure that they will have to get involved.

Today I went to go get my son's SS card. One of the benifits I do get as a spouse is free insurance. So does my son. So, i applied for the SS card so we can get him all set up and he can have great doctors.

Aside all this, I am so proud of my husband. And GOD, do I miss him like crazy. There is nothing that can take away that pain of not having him here. There is nothing that can make me smile ...like he can. For a long time, I layed in bed and did nothing, but now, I am starting to get up and do things. Today, was actually a big day for me. I went shopping...which I haven't done in forever. I decided to join a gym the last month I am here...and I am preparing to be with my husband again. I have some medical issues that have made me gain weight, and I am going to lose it and look awesome when my husband sees me again.

I will wait for his letter, as I always do. I will pray for him tonight as I always do. I will love him to death, as I always do. I will cherish him and my country, as I always have. He is my world. He serves this country proudly, and I stand by him, as a never showing weak, always strong, Military wife. Make that...Gothic Military Wife. ;)  Makes it all the more interesting...
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