
May 15, 2006 13:55

Last night, Dianne and Chis came over and made me walk with them to the bridge to see how flooded the river has gotten. It was fucking CRAZY. The water level was, I swear, just a few feet below the bridge. Dianne tried taking pictures but all we got were rain drops, which still looked pretty cool, but it was too dark to get the water, even with the flash on. Then we walked down to Addison but the trail was flooded. So we couldn't get down there.
We got back to her house and watched the weather channel and they said its suppose to continue to rain all through out next weekend. YAY. They even issued a flood watch. Not that it matters cause down town is already flooded. They had divert traffic and shit. heheh. I like all the water.
After watching that for a while we desided to upload the pictures she took on the computer, then she was nice enough to let me start ANOTHER character on Dragon Realms. That was so much fun. I had forgotten almost everything though cause its been so long since I've played. We are going to try and see if Jarrod deleted my character, and if not, maybe Dianne can convince him to let her transfer her onto her account. That would make me soo happy. But knowing Jarrod, he would tell her no or something gay like that.

I also have been playing Oblivion for the past few days. Bob left his X Box 360 at my house which I thought was REALLY nice of him, so I have been doing that. That game KICKS SO MUCH ASS.
Devin doesn't see the point in it, but thats because he stinks. heh
I got to meet his mom finally though. She fed me food and we talked about stuff. She says that she is EXTREMELY happy that she is going to be a grandmother. That made me feel good. And for mothers day, his grandmother gave me a mother-to-be card with $20 in it. wow. heheh.
I feel so loved. yay.
Mom went in for her first day of radiology today. I hope everything turns out okay. Annette called here bitching to me about the house not being clean, but she doesn't understand that I CAN'T do it all by myself damn it. I'm tired too.
And it pisses me off even more that she thinks me and my brothers are retarded and don't realize how serious my mother's condition is and all this other crap. Fuck her. I know my mom isn't going to get any better damn it. I know its only going to get worse, why doesn't she have to act like such a bitch about it? bah. I am hungry.

Oh and for more good news. After having a blow out conversation with Jarrod on AIM and telling him to go fuck himself, he fucking sent me another Email calling me stupid. arg. Thats okay cause I blocked him now. I am sick of him. So Ami, who ever, fucking do what ever you want. I don't care. Fucking harrass the shit out of him for all I care. He sucks.
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