Boggarts weekend was great. Hathersage was a nice area to hold a morris weekend.... I think everyone had fun. *Grins* Went down with Val, Dave and Lucy, which is a nice journey - Lucy and I were seriously packed in the back, but Hathersage wasn't that far away. Helping out with the food, was as crazy behind the scenes as last time and added to my already whirling mind, was me having my first Gin and Tonic. Isn't it dreadful, that I've not tried that before?!! Those were courtesy of Lucy's making, and Val's gin, and they were extremly strong! Lucy makes excellent G and T's, it has to be said! :)
So did end up a sheet to the wind somewaht! We heard that some of Eynsham Morris were going to be late.... and then some other dance sides arrived, and the stew was nearly run out. I think Val and I threw more into the pot, and left another Boggart or two in charge, so we could go down the Little John pub and get the session going - we are not missing the session as musicians. ;)
Yes, the session, friday night.. cracking, slightly wild, really enjoyed playing with the excellent melodeon playing of Val and Lucy. And Eynsham Morris singing, is an experience, that is highly recommended. Gods, those men can sing! And they have a cd...! Fun (not on purpose - honest!) - scaring Robin, fab melodeon player and dancer of Eynsham Morris, telling him, I had a question to ask him, but had forgotten it. Sorry Robin.. I think the question I finally remembered was finally the one, but I'm not certain....certainly glad, however that I made you lot feel better, by remembering, (I didn't mean to unsettle you, apologies) that's it not just the older ones who forget things! ;p Saturday:
Saturday had dance tours going round Hathersage, including a long walk to a pub in the rain, still, the mass dancing was worth it. The chef, M ark - who did saturday night meal, was a joy to work with, since I was helping out, plating the meals. Big thanks to the various members of Eynsham, who didn't mind my request to hang out with them, literally told me to peel myself off the wall, and rescued me from near wallflowering: Andreas, who I asked that and who got me up dancing once I'd changed my new rocks for flat shoes! Aidy who said that former bit about enough of wallflowering. Dave and a different Robin (dancer?/other melodeon player?!) and all of you who chatted with me. And Robin (mentioned above, re: the question/my bad memory in blue?!), thank you for making me laugh, and for dancing with me, even though you seemed to be here, there and everywhere. And yes, since I was asked so nicely, to point this out, after my comment: you've got a fantastic melodeon player there, in this Robin, Eynsham men! That some serious playing with welly, to be honest. :) Ps - had forgotten, the ceilidh move, the basket - am paying for it dearly, with pulled muscles this morning.. aaaahh.
Sunday had dance tours in Castleton, dancing in the rain, with umbrellas suddenly appearing for the musicians. Oh and we danced in the Devils's Arse Cavern Cave - yes its really called that. Again, got chatting to one of Eynsham up the way, ( I forget your name, I'm sorry), whereas he was all for abseling,as I was threatening to walk back down: We didn't know how high the caverns were, and since all we could see was a ticket box, and an entrance in a huge cliff side... I was rather apprehensive! Lovely to see the Outside Capering Crew. And apologies to Dave of Eynsham, for near slighting you. Someone thought Stroud Morris were OCC, and I doubted my memory, and mixed them up with Jig Crew. *shakes fist* I have enough problems remembering what I do, when asked, generally, without slurring my memories. :( So sorry, Dave, that I replied to your question that, surely he'd seen them dance with us on the tour - that of course was Jig Crew. Not OCC who were in front of us. *Groans* So yes, thanks to our side, and to the teams that came out for the weekend and danced for us.. you made it a really nice weekend, we really enjoyed having you there and spending time, and dancing with you all, and to the compliments that were said to me... You're very welcome!!! You're on our weekend, yes we are going to spoil you! *Smiles* :)