Most Of All, We're At War With Our Selves.

Sep 10, 2004 13:33

Well then.
**coughs** ._. Sun Flower seed got stuck...
But yeah, Last night was fun.
Secret Window.. Worst ending I've ever seen in a movie.
It didn't end how I thought it would end, so it blew huge ass.
And I was drinking.. so someone who's drinking that thinks a movie is shitty at the ending..O_o; is pretty bad.

Oh lord, I get home and mom comes up to me, I was gonna go take a shower and everything, and she comes up to me and says " Are you hung over? " ... Why do parents always ask that? Are they trying to wait for the right time to say " See that's why you shouldn't drink. " o_o;
I'm not hung over tho. Well.. In away yes, but in away no.
I think I just needed to eat something. My stomach felt so empty. Lol

Well I went to bed around 3:30am. I woke up at 10:25 ish.. am..
7 hours of sleep. o_o; I'm surprized I woke up that early.
Eric and I actually opened up about a lot last night. o_o; We've been threw pretty much the same thing. Well.. at one point in life. Lol.

Eric: You've got the shittest luck I've ever seen.
Me:...o_o; why thank you. Lol..

That was funny.. I just sat there.. buzzed.. friggen like "... what the hell Lol" and then I just busted out laughing. It's funny to hear that from people, Iunno why. I just find it amusing.
We talked about my sister Amanda. We actually both feel bad for her right now. o_o; But then again some things that had happened to her, she brought on herself.

Anyways, so last night Eric introduced me to new bands. They're all local, very good actually.
And he likes JOHNY CASH!!!!!! ^______^ YAY!

He told his friends I was down here and his friend.. Adam I think his name is.. he asked " So what type of person is she? Punk?" Eric just sat there for prolly.. a 5 seconds.. and said " you wanna know what.. I have no clue.." Lol.

But yeah, so we talked all night. I showed him the size of hole I wanna stretch my ears. He said I shouldn't because it wont heal over well if I ever wanna take it out.
I guess he has a point, but I still wanna do it. Lol.

He showed me his tattoos.. Oh they're friggen awesome.
He wants to get sleevs.
I wanna get them too.. or one atleast.
Mom said no.. but neh. I'ma get two other tattoos. I told him what they look like. The first one I told him was the dragon.. Lol.. he' says " whoa.. that's gonna take a lotta money"

o_o; prolly

But yeah, Eric now is in the hole, having to give me money. >XD
For a late charge, the beer.. movie and PIZZA!!!
Doesn't that sound hot? Lol

Pizza, movies, and BEER!!!
Well, he had the beer, I had hard Lick.
Bacardi. o_o;... He had prolly.. 9 beers..
I had about 8 shots..
Lol, worst thing ever, I take a shot RIGHT before I went to bed. Lol.

Anyways, while drunk.. he teaches me how to play drums.. LOL! Like.. I remember.. just it was so weird, cause I couldn't controll my hands after a while.
I spilt a friggen shot of Bacardi on his stario.. Lol!
He didn't care tho.
Me: **spill**...... shit...
Eric: haha.. whoaaaa Lyndsay.. a lil drunk are we?
Me: No o_o;... I dun think so.
Eric: hold on.. I'll be back haha

And then he got me a towel to clean it up.. but he ended up cleaning it up...o_o
So yeah.. I got on the computer, I remember talking to Brad and Sarah..
I dunno if i talked to anyone else. o_o; Hope not. Lol
I dunno if I was typing well last night.. Most likely not.
So stupid...¬¬;; Bad Brad!
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