
Aug 21, 2004 02:33

Well, today was okay I guess.
I went for the oreintation. That went good. There was these two guys there that were uber cute and both started talking to me.

One said; outta no where... "So, what part of Ontario are you from?"
I was like "....................Kitchener..." o.o; That's to fucked up.
I didn't tell anyone nor speak to anyone to tell then I was even from Ont.
But oh well. The other one to start a convo with me said "So, what's your age?"
Lol.. he's seeing if I'm legal ^_~

Kidding..Oo;.. or atleast I hope he wasn't doing that.
But yeah, I start work on Monday at 7AM!
So that blows huge ass.
I have to fill out a few forms and what not, Read a paper on harasment... and yeah...

Other then that, I came home.. and I had taken out my lip ring for my job.. well, the hole started to CLOSE.. So I got right pissed off. Now instead of a 14 gage, I have to have a 16 gage in it. As small as fishing line. Which is what I have to wear when I go to work so it doesn't close on me.
I'm not suppose to even wear that.. but they wont be able to see it.. so fuck them.
Not like it's gonna fall into the meat or anything.
It'd more then likely be sucked into the back of my mouth and I'll choke.

But anyways, on another note.. My mom told me since I have a job.. I have to start paying to live here.

What the fuck is that?

I'm 17, and already have to pay to live here?
She said it's "Best for me". Yeah right, I have stuff I wanna do with my money, not give it away to my mom. Fuck that crap..
So I'm REALLY upset about that.. it's pissing me off to no end.. that I have to pay to live here. My sister Amanda NEVER had to pay to live with my mom and she was older then me when she got a job.

Anyways... off of that subject. Brad called me today, he was drunk off his ass. Which was rather funny.

My lip ring feels so fucking thin.. Blah, I hate it..


I mean, its' my MOTHER.. and I have to get so much stuff done.
I'll be getting like.. 300-400 dollars a week, depends when I'm working and what part of the plant..
And I have to get my cat declawed, fixed, and get his shots.
Then be able to put a car on the road, get my Driving school in that is for 7 months. Insurance, and more pants.. because my pants I have no will be filled with pig blood.
Then!! I'd just LIKE to have a lil money for myself.. to spend.
I mean.. I fucking worked for this crap.
I went threw a hard time in the past 11 years.. I think I should get ONE break!
And be able to spoil myself. But nooooo... that's to much to fucking ask for and my mom just HAS to shove BOARD in my face.
Then after I get all the stuff done I said, she'll charge MORE.

Like what the fuck...? I'm never gonna be able to save up enough money for like a trip down to MO...
Or anywhere for that matter. I wont get vacation from work for another year.. and by that I only get ONE week...

But yeah anyways... I'm not gonna have much money to do anything... I wanna get new earings and stuff..
Well, I dun see a point actually.. I have to take them out at work. Well fuck that, I can get my belly botton done.. they wont see it, so screw it.

I wanna get my eyebrow done sideways, and the back of my neck done three times in a row.

I'll have to wait for another job to get the eyebrow done.. but I could prolly pull off the back of my neck.
I also wanna get like.. a tattoo or two..
I wanna go tanning... I wanna get wax so I dun have to fucking shave my legs and shit like that.
I wanna get contacts so I dun gotta wear glasses... ((again))
I'd like to be able to have just a lil bit of money, incase I'm out somewhere and someone asks if I wanna buy some weed.. or I go out with a friend and they wanna buy booze.. And I have to pitch in to get some. Ya know?! SPENDING MONEY BECAUSE I'M A TEEN THAT WANTS SPENDING MONEY!

I'd like to see Cody sooner or later. Or atleast buy phone cards so I can call him. Ya know.. simple things that would make me so happy. But instead she's gonna charge me to friggen LIVE here...
She said if I dun pay it, I can find my own place.
She says "If you're old enough to not go to school, you're old enough to pay rent"

First off.. I'll still be taking school!... Second.. I'M NOT PAYING RENT ><@!@$@%$#ew$#&^t%#%#$^E

Anyways, I think I've done enough bitching.

Yup, Lol..

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