Aug 21, 2005 13:38
Oookay, so people don't hear from me in a while and all a sudden it's the end of the world. People calling and e-mailing out the ying yang.
>=[ I can't even be busy! I can never please you people, can I?
Instead of e-mailing everyone the same bloody message, I'ma just leave it here.
Reasons to why I havn't talked to anyone lately or replyed to people:
- Job(s). Just started a new one. So far I've only been in twice for it. But all this week I'm in everday... pretty much all day. >_o; 8-4pm. They might even bump up my hours.
- This is going to sound bad, and I even bitch at people for doing this... But I hardly get to talk to Jesse anymore, so I tend to try and spend as much time as I can in a single day, talking to him. When you start to work everyday for so many hours a day, you start to miss people really bad. Just turns out.. I miss Jesse more then I do anyone else. (No Offence... )
- I have to try and figure out what I'm going to do for the plane ticket, so I can even see Jesse in the first place. Iunno what I'm going to do. I could call BC airport and see how I'd go about it online.. or I could send him money order and ask his mother to buy it. Which ever.
- We have kittens that are placed RIGHT outside my bloody bedroom door. I can't move them because they'll just be moved back. Theseeeee little CUTE and adorable chubby things... keep me up all night, pretty much. Their cuteness is the only thing stopping me from wanting to squeeze their heads off. >_o; that sounds bad... really bad, and I'd NEVER hurt an animal like that. But when you work all day and have to work at 8-9am.. and you wake up from meowing every 20-60 minutes... They start to become REALLY uncute.
- I've been a bit stressed out lately. I found out my sister is moving to NB, I'm not looking forward to that, at all. Means I'll have to see her. T_T; Shits been moving around like crazy lately. I've had to use 100 dollars to get my cat fixed on Tuesday. I need money to get things...hehe. -giggles-...>>;
I also need money for when Jesse comes here so I can randomly get him to drag me to the store and buy him something. :3
Erg, and my hairs been falling out more then it should be. (100 strands a day = average for every person ) I'm probably up to 250+ a day... Sometimes I start getting to worked up and my breathing gets all fucked up. I've had HUGE headachs lately.. and I've probably taken more Ibeprophines now then I did the day I ODed. ( Not all at once ) From all the stress it's causing my boob to hurt. If it gets bad enough the pain will go all the way up into my shoulder and make my arm feel all weird. I took a warm bath the other day so my muscles could relax in my legs and arms... Turns out that them being so tense was the only reason why I was even standing up. After they relaxed I had to nearly drag myself out of the bath. I couldn't stand and when I finally got up.. my legs were shaking and I had to lie in my bed for ten minutes to even get a little bit of strength to stand up and put on underwear and pants.
- Friends have been stressing me out. Yesssss, all you people with your "Why don't you talk to me? Why havn't you been on? Why are you ignoring me? Blah blah blah" questions are driving me up the wall. >_o; Lately I'm finding it really hard to even keep up with three conversations at a time. Normally it takes 10 for my brain to overload and start getting confused. I try to just keep it down to Jesse so I can atleast keep up with what him and I are talking about. But sometimes I get IMed from Mal or Brian. Which, I don't mind at all. Mal just rambles on about a whole lotta nothing... so it's not hard to keep up with her. But Brian talks to me about games, movies, music... pizza hut. Lol... So it's harder to keep up. >_o; Especially when he starts talking about games... and I don't want to act like I'm NOT interested because it's rude. But I'm really not interested... and with me being so tired lately.. it makes me even less interested. I can't even stand to read peoples journals anymore like I use to. After the first one I get all confused...
And friggen Aly posts so bloody much journals and has no many different friggen Icons that I keep thinking it's someone else everytime I go and read another one. So I just gave up. And when friggen Rodney talks to me... He confuses me more then anyone else. He starts off with Hi.. and I THINK the convo will be normal.. but nooooooooo ô.o; He goes right into something that just... blah.. -falls over slowly- @_@
Anyways... I could probably go on for HOURS... Buuuuuuuut, I'm not up for it.. and I don't think you people are either.
But yeee.. there you go. To answer everyones friggen questions...
There's just some of the reasons... WHYYYYY I don't talk to you people as much. I'm not ignoring you and all, I'm just very busy, stressed, and tired.
Muuuuuuuch love.
More love to Jesse ^-~ ...>> but that's a different kind of love... heeeheee
<3 I love you! <3