Updates, the good, the bad, the ugly.

Jun 24, 2009 16:26

Apparently my shrink thinks I am loosing touch with reality cause I described characters in "Watchmen" to her. Same with Deadpool and Logan and all that jazz. I apparently "Know them as if I knew them personally". It's not my fault I'm a comic book nerd okay? *Sigh*

Also I may be autisitc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbergers
I probably has Asbergers syndome. Not that it's bad news or anything, I actually kinda suspected there was more wrong with me for a while. No biggy. :) This actually explains a lot. xD

Decided to do movie Silk Spectre II rather then comic. I attempted to the the main black part of the comic outfit and had an...*Ahem* wardrobe malfuntion. >_> Also my boobs didn;t have the support they needed. So I think Movie version will work our better for that. I hope I can somehow do the built in nipples! xD

I'm getting the unmasked prison variant Rorschach tomarrow. <3

It's been nice but I really don't feel like doing anything lately. I hope the music teachers don't "forget" to tell us that the times changed again. =_=;;

SO yeah, also I took more pictures of my figures, they're mostly pairing pics though. I'll post them soon-ish. :)

update, lol, wft, random, i dunno, daily life, zoe, watchmen

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