Jun 09, 2005 19:08

LMFAO...wow some things just entertain me to no end. Recently a little arguement broke out between one of my beloved friends and an old 'grudgee.' Well my friend cleared it up with her, but I was annoyed by some of the things she decided to write and 'not start shit' when she had the opportunity to tell us right to our faces...oh and shes a HYPOCRITE "I never said two words about you, I never called you a whore, I don't have anything against you"...shot down the drain? lol, its okay though cause I found out some other things...shes INSECURE...lmao. Questioning people to see if we've been talking shit, up til today I never thought once about her nor said anything. My friends & I all have lives of our own so she needs to realize the world doesn't revolve around her and noone really gives a shit about her when it comes to 'my crew.' We all have our bfs, and eachother and are very content and happy with out lives-except Lucyfer who was a bit disgruntled lately, lol. I love you, Lucyfer! hehe. I found out some other of her 'insecurities' fucking hilarious. After this, she will again be put in the past of good laughs but won't ever be mentioned unless something like this happens again. She needs to know that the only time she is even mentioned in a conversation is when she puts herself in the position to be in one. My bf and her bf are friends again, and I was happy because I didn't like thinking I ruined a friendship...but now I realize that its stupid to think I 'ruined' it, when really it is how the person, himself is. I have been hearing some of his 'friends' say things, but I never add libed, I left it alone and just listened. This entry has been made public as an addressment to the person it is about. Again, know that this is the last time (unless you drag yourself into my friends' life or mine) that you shall be mentioned, we honestly couldn't give a rats ass what you do or who you are.

Now to the important stuff:
Finals start tomorrow, I only have a chemistry final :) And its open notebook woot*woot, so I should ace it. I found out I'm doing really well in all my school work, yay! My summer is looking great, and next week is the last week of school.
The best news is Al & I are going to get to hangout on Friday, tomorrow, at Ron's house! hell yeah! hehe, I get to be with him for more than 5minutes! I'm so happy! He is going to Bergen Community College next year. He already has his schedule and we worked out everything and how its going to work between us. Everything is assured and I'm confident in our relationship. I love him with all my heart and can't wait till tomorrow.
Oh I am also planning a DDRing night with my friends. So many 'DDR games' hehe, I'm gunna be lost in the DDR happiness. Remember, codes people. James is going to be with us most likely, so he'll be an expert and help us figure out where and what time is best.

well later,
xXPoisoness KissesXx
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