~ + ~ Update ~ + ~

Dec 04, 2005 22:39

Hiya everyone

just come to give you an update on how hes doing after my operation.

I went into hospital on 30th November and as far as we knew id would be home by lunchtime and would only need 2 weeks off work, it turned out that my operation took 3 hours instead of the 1 hour they told us it would take and i needs a minimum of 6 weeks off work.

Id have had 4 toes on my left foot broken and then fused, and had metal rods inserted into them, which pertrude out of the end of my toes by 1cm.

The rods will be removed in 6 weeks time and then it depends how long it takes to heal after that which will determine how long before im up and about :)

Im well at the mo but tanked up on pain killers so im not online much :)
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