(no subject)

Apr 22, 2011 22:18

 If you think I'm nothing special, WHY THE FUCK are you trying to contact me?
Go kiss asses of those cool ones you know. I don't need people. At all. Friends are just creatures likely to stab you while you expect it least of all. There are exclusions but they only convince me in the general rule.

It's only drunk people who lie they like me. I'm sick of everyone. Sick of the world crushed on unreal beauty.

My photos suck and I accept it. Go worship the precious ones you'll never hurt. I.don't.give.a.shit. Got it? 
There's no hope there are beauty haters in this world. It hurts and nothing more. Or less. 
My biggest wish is painful death for naturally beautiful girls.

I don't want to hear or see people anymore.
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