May 12, 2009 17:33
Why can't people just say what they mean and mean what they say?
Why does everything have to be so fucking hard? i feel like i am always going out of my way for people and no one ever does for me? Its just hard sometimes to figure out the hard stuff, I feel like its been this way most of my life. I drive the girl I work with to and from work most days and she never even says thank you and some days is a down right bitch to me, yet I still do it.
Take a person i am no longer friends with, i drove her around because she didn't drive, i was always going to her place to hang out and she never came to mine i was doing things for her and she never said thank you or anything like that its just frustrating, then 2 months before my wedding she couldn't even pick a dress to wear and i was being pushy about not doing it and she just said forget it she wouldn't be in it and we havent spoke since.
Zack is always saying that i do too much for people and never hold them accountable for things they don't do, that I try to hard to always make things perfect even if it means sacraficing my own feeling. He is right, its tiring. I have always been that way with my parents to, always trying to be perfect and good enough for everyone.
Its just been weighing heavy on my mind lately like looking back in my phone the last month or so most of the calls are from or to my mom. its weird that no one ever calls me or trys to make plans, if I want to see anyone I have to call, or I have to make the plans. Makes me wonder ya know? Where did I go wrong? What about me just isnt good enough?
Ok time to go out for a smoke and wait for the husband to get home so I can take him to see Fox for his bday.