Apr 05, 2004 18:38
there seemz 2 be sum confusion about the supanovian leauge of.....stuff. there are 2 leaugez. snlo.....stuff and the snlo.....doom. stuff haz super heroz. doom haz super villinz. i control the snl all 2gethor. i make the rulz. u dont just say ur in the leauge. and u pick the stuff or doom.
i still have songz! damnit. scrool down 2 see the list cause...im lazy!
scroll up 2 see info! yaaaaaaaaaaay.
i had a sream(yes sream) i waz in a high buisness thingy and all we did waz cause problemz. long story short we got caught and made a pact. we all drank sum poison drink but one guy didnt. he spit it out. and i cheated 2 cause i worked up an imunity 2 the poison. than we both shot gunz at each other. no seriously...we had cannonz that shot actual gunz! no bulletz, just gunz. i won cause i caught one of the gunz and shot through one of hiz gunz and it went through hiz teeth and out hiz head. IF IT WAZ A MOVIE IT WOULD OF BEEN SWEET!
supanovian leauge of.....stuff ASSEMBLE! new word of the day! muahahahahaha
shitzu/sum dong but can be used az shit: u piece of shitzu! eat shitzu and die, u steped in shitzu.
supanovian leauge of.....doom ASSEMBLE! go sum factz 4 u. dont throw thingz. ull have 2 attack from behind. magik iz more powerful than u think but we will stop him b4 he killz nightblade(the person) and stealz nightblade(the sword). ok the plan iz we jab him in the left eye with a spork NOT THE RIGHT.
goth-out! mauahahahhahahahaha