*blank stare*

Aug 24, 2004 17:20

I just saw the "Amerika" video (kind of... Windows Media Player + dial up = choppy videos)...

You know what?...

THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER! I love it! *dies* That song by itself made me laugh so hard! It reminds me of a really demented cheesy 80's song. That guitar solo... is atrocious and overdone, but it fits with the theme of the song perfectly! And listening to Till sing 'Mickey Mouse', 'Santa Claus' and 'Coca-Cola' amidst the sea of German words is priceless. That part he sings about 'this is not a love song, I don't sing my mother's tongue' just about had me rolling on the floor. Maybe it was the fact that he was singing in English that made it so funny... I'm not quite sure. Either way, that song is hilarious! The video, I'm not too sure about. What I could actually see of it was brilliant, but like I said, it was all choppy and tended to skip around. Damn dial-up and crappy Windows Media Player! I think I pretty much gathered the point, though.

The moral of the video: Rammstein is the only band that can make Star Trek pinball and NASA appealing. The end.

On another semi-Rammstein related note, has anyone seen that new Nick Jr. show called Lazy Town? It's about some annoying pink haired girl that moves into this new town, whose citizens are basically a crapload of stoned looking puppets. They have a resident superhero... who looks like Schneider with a mustache. haha! I'm looking for a picture of him right now... geebus, whatever they're cooking downstairs smells awful. *gags* ...*hums "Amerika"* Dammit, that chorus is going to be running through my head for the rest of the day! *sings* WE'RE ALL LIVING IN AMERIKAAAA, AMERIKAAAA, IT'S WUNDERBAAAR! *twitch* That's waaaaay too catchy...

Still haven't found the picture I'm looking for... gah... I doubt I actually will find a picture of that dude, I'm I'll keep looking anyway.

Aha! This isn't the best example, but.. eh... I don't know, there's just something very Schneider-ish about him, even if he does act like more of a speed freak than Joe from Blue's Clues...

Obviously, we're looking at the one wearing blue spandex and sticking his large arse in the pink girl's face. The pink girl... she's extremely annoying and should be TUASOF.

Well... there was my big event for the day. I think I'll try watching "Amerika" again, see if my computer won't cooperate a little better.
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