*sways* Spiiiiiel ein spiiiiel mit mir...

Aug 19, 2004 00:37

I don't think I've been this happy in quite a while. What the hell is wrong with me?

Today was great! I sat around like the lazy bum that I am until driving class. My mom was stuck at work late again, so unfortunately, I couldn't drive myself over. Ron gave me a ride in our piece o' sheisse Tempo that's nearly as old as I am. Goody! On the bright side, I made it there with only minor whiplash. That's usually a plus.

I stepped inside and took a seat next to the girl I spoke with yesterday (turns out her name is Sydney). She had already begun a conversation with the guy next to her, so I just sat down with my workbook and proceeded to take the final quiz, making sure I didn't interrupt or anything. We all did eventually end up talking, mainly about the "artwork" splashed on the walls (the driving school graduates have the privilage of signing the wall on the last day). One drawing in particular, supposedly of a seal, looked more like some kind of diseased penis. It boosted my confidence in my artwork a great deal.

The three of us joked around a little bit more, until finally, Jon passed out the final exam. It took about 10-15 minutes to complete, and wasn't especially difficult, although there were a couple trick questions that confused me. I simply guessed on those and moved on. Once I finished, I turned in the test and sat around for a couple minutes waiting for Sydney. After she completed and turned in her test, she asked me if I wanted to go get some coffee or something. I agreed, and we headed outside with the guy she had been speaking to earlier (his name was Chris, or "Milo"). Instead of grabbing some coffee, though, we just hung around out front and talked. They did most of the talking, of course, since my shyness prevailed once again. But, that didn't seem to bother them too much. Apparently, they've been friends for quite a while. To my knowledge they aren't going out, they're just close friends. Good thing, because I happened to think Chris was rather pretty. I kept my mouth shut about that, though, just incase.

I'm not exactly sure how long we stayed outside; maybe 15 - 20 minutes or so. We decided to rejoin the class because, dammit, we wanted our friggin' pizza! Sydney and I kept smelling it, but we couldn't track it down. Finally, Jon brought in about 6 boxes, and we pigged out while standing around in the hall just goofing around. Sydney made a comment about how it was nice to meet someone in the class with a sense of humor. I couldn't agree more. I guess she'd had precisely the same thoughts as I had: the people in the class are snobby, arrogent little bastards with no sense of humor whatsoever. She said it was too bad we hadn't met earlier in the class, which I also agreed with. I did feel bad about not talking to Roman much today. Usually we talk through the entire class, but today we just kind of went our separate ways in the class. I'll have to IM him later or something...

Anyway, Sydney, Chris and I scarfed down our pizza, then rejoined the class once again, only to receive our test scores. I scored a 95%, which I was actually very disappointed about. I expected better of myself, but I suppose as long as I passed, it's not such a big deal. Unfortunately, I haven't received my certificate yet. I won't be getting that until after I've passed my last drive. At least, I really hope I pass. I'm so nervous; this is the drive that really counts. Everyone seems to believe I'll do just fine, though, so I'll take their word for it. I haven't had much practice over the past couple of days, but that never impacted my driving before. I'll give it a shot, and hopefully I won't be required to schedule a fifth drive. We'll see...

Shortly after the scores were handed back, Chris and Sydney took off. Chris said he would've offered to take me along with them, but there was no room in his truck. I was a bit disappointed, but that was fine. Before they left, I got Sydney's number and gave her mine, so hopefully we can hang out a bit more before the summer ends. I was borderlining on elation when I got her number, as I don't tend to make friends easily - a fact that I've made painfully obvious here. So, meeting someone new is a huge accomplishment for me, and I happen to be very proud of myself for at least attempting to overcome my introvert tendencies. I must've done something right for once! Yay me!

Once Sydney and Chris left, I grabbed a Sharpie and scribbled my own messages all over a portion of one of the walls. I signed my name, drew the Rammstein logo, jotted down a few of my favourite lyrics, and the infamous yearbook message of 8th grade - "Watch out for moving cattle. They're pretty fast, you know!" I double checked the time of my last drive with Jon, and with that, I was off! Mom and Ron were already waiting for me out in the parking lot, so I hopped in the backseat (I forgot my glasses again. Arg!), and we headed home.

I wasn't home long before I decided to get some walking time in. Armed with my CDs, CD player, and cell phone, I began my nightly journey. This time, though, I passed my park over and walked up to the 7-11 by Scriber Lake's High (not my school anymore! YAY!) to purchase some water. As I was walking through the parking lot toward the store, I noticed a couple short silhouettes heading toward me. At first, I was under the impression that they were both younger boys, but upon closer inspection, I saw that one looked to be in his mid twenties or so. Take a stab at the nationality. Yeah, another damn Mexican! He gawked at me as I walked past him and into the store. I merely laughed at him.

It took me all of five seconds to buy the water and get my arse out of the store. My batteries died as I was walking back, but that was all right, since I had to call Trista back anyway. She was in the middle of watching a movie, though, so she offered to call me back once it was over. That was fine by me. So, I just continued on with my poor, dead CD player in one hand, and the water in the other. I ended up getting honked at three times, which was rather unusual. One of the guys yelled some incoherent word at me, either "tramp" or "Jen". I couldn't tell which. That's so irritating. Why can't people yell less ambiguous phrases, like "Hey, nice shoes. Wanna fuck?" I'm fairly certain I could understand a guy who was yelling that at me. Hell, even something as simple as "HEY!" would do. I can usually understand that. But, no, that'd be too simple! Let's confuse the poor girl and yell something that can be heard in three different ways! YEAH! We're cool now!

Anyway, I got home, Trista called, and I talked to her until her phone died. I also talked to an old online friend of mine named Lydia. I have no idea how she tracked me down, but somehow she did, and added me to her MSN list. That was a pleasant surprise! We talked until MSN decided to completely crap out on me. It's been doing that a lot lately. I wonder what's up. Hopefully, it'll knock it off so I can sign back on and catch up with her more. It's been years since we've actually spoken to one another, and I'm eager to hear what's been going on with her.

Wow... today's been productive! Made some new friends, re-connected with old ones, my LJ community has attracted some members, and I'm just a few hours away from graduating driving school. Then, on Friday, I'll be hanging out with Jen, of all people! She moved to Montana, as I think I mentioned previously, but she's back in town until the end of the month. She seems to have grown up a tiny bit, though some of that stereotypical angsty attitude shines through in her e-mail. I'm glad to hear she has a boyfriend now; that's probably made her a lot happier. And, from the tone of her e-mail, I get the impression that she's not a pothead anymore. This is good! She wasn't a very good pothead.

I'm also quite proud of myself for getting everyone to talk about Rammstein. Like I said to Zach, you know you're obsessed with Rammstein when you've talked about them so much that you're friends start having dreams about them! Not only has Zach recently had a Rammstein dream, Trista has as well! I guess in hers, she and Till were shopping together, and she made a comment about how she needed to buy cellery. He gave her this evil glare, and she said something along the lines of, "Well, the old stuff went bad!" Then, he began pointing to random items and grunting. That sounds realistic! Heh... goddamn, I feel accomplished!

You know... come to think of it, I think I had another Rammstein dream last night as well. I remember it had something to do with the "Bueck Dich" performance... I think. Either that, or the "Du Hast" performance on FVT. Yeah, that was the one. Flake was doing his little keyboard solo dance, and I remember thinking there was something wrong with what he was doing: he wasn't moving around as much as normal, and I was getting a bad vibe from him, as though he was angry about something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe he just wasn't drunk. I remember reading that the only way for him to get through a show is to get smashed. He said something about it eliminating his fear of falling out of the inflatable boat during "Seemann". I wonder if he's actually ever fallen out of that thing. I want to ask him! *Flake's floating along, when suddenly the boat tips, and everyone backs away* *Flake go SPLAT!* *evil grin*

Has anyone else noticed that the "Mein Teil" video is extremely addictive? I watched it I don't know how many times in a row earlier today! I only wish that our shitty 56K connection wouldn't skew videos the way it does. Parts of the video ran just fine, but other parts of it tended to be choppy, and it would periodically freeze on me. I noticed the part that ran smoothest was the whole blow job scene. Perverted computer... It's not like that was even a real blow job. Honestly, the angel's head was way too high off of Till's lap to be giving a true blow job. She could've been testing him, to see if he noticed she had stopped and was just bobbing her head up and down. Apparently he didn't! Damn... I want that single. It's unfortunate that the sales only count in Germany, even if the single is imported. That makes it appear as though Rammstein has very few fans out here, and if they're under that impression, then they may pass us over completely on their tour. They'd have quite a few irate fans to answer to, that's for damn sure! I have to wonder why they delayed the international release of "Mein Teil" so much. It's been out in Germany for a long time now, yet it won't be released here until September, if at all! What kind of shit is that? Ah well... I really do want that single, so I suppose I'll just suck it up and order the import. Some of the members of rammstein_pimp are taking the matter up with the record company, as well as posting on the Rammstein Fan Area forum. I'm not sure how much good it'll do, but there's no harm in trying, right?

I'm dropping dead over the keyboard right now, so I think I'd better conclude this. I'm kind of in the mood for some Live Aus Berlin... maybe I'll watch some of that before I hit the floor (yes, I still sleep on the floor). I like the "Wilder Wein" performance, especially when Paul, Richard, and Olli come out with those huge ass sombreros. Paul's is bigger than he is! Tiny little thing... trembling under the weight of the massive hat on his head... and wondering where the hell the audience disappeared to, because that stupid flap is blocking his vision. He could probably replace his cardboard box with that hat. Hell, he might even have a little extra space.

Erg, all right, I'm done. *curls up with Paul in his extra roomy sombrero* *purrrr* :)

Wait, one more thing...

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

I'm such a ladie's man!
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