Some last-minute info for everyone coming to Otakon. The hotel we're staying at is:
Springhill Suites Marriot (
Google Maps)
16 South Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
I'll be getting in afternoonish on Thursday; checkout's on Sunday. Anyone who does NOT have my newer cellphone number (the one that ends in 9894), be sure to comment here or IM me, and I'll give it to you. XP I'll also be bringing along Branagh's As You Like It set in colonial Japan if anyone's keen on watching one night! Is anyone bringing a laptop, btw, since there's free wifi in the rooms? I could bring my work one, but I figure if someone else already is, it'd be a waste.
I have a million fucking hours of costuming left to do, of course. Because I'm cool that way. Gilgamesh's lapels look fucking depressing, wah wah wahhhhh, so I need to fix them. I will also be bringing SIX wigs with me on the plane, I shit you not: one black, two brown, three blonde. Aannnyyyway, Friday is Doctor Who costumes with bonus Avatar gals and Saturday is Girl Genius, for those who aren't staying with us but want to say hi. (Let's see if
your-nonentity can track us down in a 20,000-person convention for the fourth year in a row. XP)