Haha, yeah, haven't made one of these in a while. XP Maybe that's because I'm been drawing NOTHING since I started working really. Which is lameass. So here's all of the doodle crap I've drawn at work while on the phone or what have you. Mostly Fairytale concept junk, but there's some Girl Genius and OCs and Avatar mixed in there too.
Fairytale comic crap. XP Peep and Rëdda, aka olderish badass Little Bo Peep and Red Riding Hood. Peep's mouth amuses me.
Mooooooore Peeeeeeep.
Something not Fairytales. Look, it's Meer!
Haha, god. The first and only pic of Zuko I've drawn that doesn't SUCK. Probably because he still has his face in tact.
Agatha from the ever so AWESOME online comic Girl Genius. Omfg, I love it.
Girl Genius's Lucrezia. Because this woman's lips rock.
Yes, these are Scone and my World of Warcraft characters. Yes, you can all STFU your faces now. XP
And hey, look, a meme. Fsking memes.
1) Tell you why I friended you.
2) Associate you with a song/movie.
3) Tell a random fact about you.
4) Tell my first memory of you.
5) Associate you with an animal/fruit.
6) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7) In return, you MUST spread this disease in your LJ.