The news leaked a bit earlier - those damn blogs :) - than I had thought but I can confirm that has been launched. The site is a social bookmarking site for the gothic / endzeit community where you can post links to news stories and also vote on these stories ! YOU will decide what story becomes a hit or a miss !
Visit for more info and to register (for free of course!) The best voters will get free cds, merchandise etc.
For the past week we have had over 100 beta-testers checking out the interface for on the secured serverspace. Now that we have gone live (and hit 1000 unique visitors yesterday) we need an extra amount of beta-testers to see how the servers will react on the amount of visits and usage of the site.
Interested to become a beta-tester ? Go straight to , sign up and start posting / voting / commenting. If you want to stay informed as well as to what we do, you can also subscribe to our newsletter.
Thanks !