Oct 17, 2004 23:55
It's empty...I found out with a welldiggers remorse that it's a poignant reflection of myself. I dig deeper however...and I uncover an immediate solution.
The medicating hand of self-reliance and perserverance...
I uncover a key to the realm of solace when I'm conscience enough to meditate and concentrate on it.
Either I'M the disapointment, or the evidence lies solemnly in a pool of popular pulp-fiction...I'm the better person.
One person I know (or thought I knew) revealed a source of light that was simply covered up...I'm the well-worn shoulder of support, and he/shes stubborn in returning the favor.
And this other person I met in Jan. is a legitimate reflection to the description posted above. So much underlying tones of grey it's confusing to decipher where the true portal lies...the realm of bearing-fiction.
Everyday is different. Sometimes I'm energized beyond the point of instability, and other times...I'm downwinded w/disapointment and it converges and congeals into a long string of non-energetic seances...some with uppers, but most of the time...it's like a dehabilitating reverance of downers...how cryptic of me...
anyways, that's how I feel about ppl nowadays...and this often-regurgitated factoid based upon popular culture and literal experiance rings true...friends do go away...in essence, they actually die.
(Tho some cases are more severe, and have a tendency to repent themselves over time...but...anyhow...)