OOC: A Note!

Apr 15, 2009 23:55

Lu being a pop-culture referencer in a panfandom game, I thought I should note how I'll handle that, so as to avoid any canon-puncturing. Right now, he's stripped of any geek knowledge for the series currently represented in the game-while a Lu existing entirely in his original universe would definitely know Star Trek and Doctor Who, for instance, they never existed in Taxon!Lu's world.

If characters show up in Taxon from media Lu's already referenced in Taxon, he will lose knowledge of that canon, so as to avoid canon-puncturing, and never remember that he once knew the series/media involved.

Except for Star Wars and the Alien films. If a Jedi shows up in Taxon, Lu will be ALL OVER THAT. Perhaps in more ways than one. He has a crush on Qui-gon, after all.

And he will always know how to kill a zombie, and that pirates and ninjas have been locked in mortal combat with each other for Eternity. These are Essential Facts which no geek worth his cred could ever forget.

ooc: character information

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