Mar 31, 2007 10:28
somewhere there's an airplane lost beyond the skies.
so how is everyone? im okay, could be better if i could talk to my freaking boyfriend. i miss him uber bad and i need to talk to him. gosh! anyway, so thats all of me for now. he just needs to come over and hold me......gosh!!! so i feel like being happy today. i dont want to be upset over anything. so i dont care what happens, today must be good, im going shopping, thats good. i get to spend the day with my bestest friend in the whole wide world. gosh i love him! does he know how much i love him? well if he reads this he will. lol. hes amazing, like my best friend ever and he is everything to me. wow, for some reason i find myself missing the times when him and i dated. i dont know why. i know hes gay and im happy as hell with travis, but its mainly good memories. i love him so much, but yeah, hes gay, hes about the perfect guy, so i hope that his soon to be boyfriend treats him right, if not, then ive got some heads to bash. lol. but he is like my brother to me now. hes amazing and he is always there for me. if you are reading this, you are my best friend and i thank you for putting up with me this long and you are amazing. thank you, you know my problems and you dont leave me because of them, you stay closer to me and help me when everyone else, including my old best friend, left me alone. you knew how bad i was, you knew all of it, thank you for not deserting me like all the others. now you get to see happy amanda, no one else wanted to give me time to get over things, but no one knew, no one but you. thanks peyton. i love you.