toy mouse that rattles

Feb 06, 2016 17:30

You know the kind, or maybe you don't. Tiny, fur covered, hollow plastic mice with even tinier plastic balls inside. Katchka, our youngest cat, loves them. She'll demand to play fetch, then parade around with the mouse in her mouth in a manner that suggests that it gives purpose to her life. Of course, she's hidden every single one of them away somewhere that none of us, herself included, can find. Since the local independent pet store we bought them from no longer carries them, she's been a sad kitty for the last several weeks.

We've tried other toys. Catnip infused, burlap mice are good for one chase, or for occasionally carrying from one spot to another, but they're just Not Right. Same for burlap covered rattle balls. Yes they rattle, but they're Not Mice. Fail.

So I gave in and asked Google, which helpfully pointed me to Amazon, which of course has several sellers that offer them. So Mice Have Been Ordered, and on Tuesday evening Katchka will be a happy girl again.

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