In case you haven't seen it, there's a new website to promote the new Family Guy DVD. It's actually pretty fun, and cool to mess around with.
Iv you've ever been to
Burger King's Subservient Chicken, you know the deal. Put in commands, and the character does what you tell them to. Or mouths off about it. This one mouths off more, mostly because they don't bother putting in as much.
This one is
Stewie Live, and it's a lot more fun than that old chicken. (Don't believe me? Just ask Stewie how he likes the Subservient Chicken.)
I've thought about building up a list of commands and grouping by what they do, but I'm not going to bother right now. I will write down a list of all the commands I know of; but try varients & other stuff, too!
eat, poop, pee, lube, porno, meg, quagmire, joe, gay, torture, broccoli, dance, victory is mine, touch yourself, moo, hello, whale, lunch, hamburger, doctor, virgin, naked, coffee, foot (or any other body part), booger, dog, DVD, fuck (and other swear words), laugh, are you gay?, god, world domination, ass, and my personal favorite - simpsons. Damn, I take that back. My favorite is masturbate. It's creepily priceless.
That is all. For now.