Escapades in Linux...

May 17, 2007 20:25

I've been giving Linux another try lately, since we've now got 6 Linux servers at work in the form of a VMware ESX cluster. Turns out VMware ESX runs on top of a Linux base, much the same way Novell did with MS-DOS years ago. So I got myself a copy of VMware Workstation with a license key no-one else at work was using at the moment :-) and have installed Linux From Scratch on it. I'd forgotten the sarcasm and humor Linux developers put into things.

For instance, there's a program on here called "fortune" that most commonly is used to print a random quotation, such as "I'm defending her honor, which is more than she ever did" or "Broad-mindedness, n.: The result of flattening high-mindedness out.".

There's also installation documentation I've seen that says "Do this first, this second, try to install everything using this command, and pray that it works. If not, have fun trying to fix it." :-P

Or even, a program that will accept as input any Internet acronym, such as NP, LOL, IMHO, AFAIK, etc, and tell you what it means. The funny part? The name of the program that does this is, simply, "wtf". And if you type in "wtf wtf", it returns: "WTF: {what,where,who,why} the fuck.
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