Aug 08, 2006 22:14
They say there is a place
Long about the point where heaven and earth
Meet, collide or coincide
A place where all is light
Where shadows are just fires burning backwards
They say there is a place
Where now and then meets forever
And the night time sand burns white-hot
There rising up with all the precision
The delusions of grandeur
Just one man's wish to be remembered by time
Its Apex breaches heaven
Earth its stepping stone
Her children trodden underfoot
Bearing the weight of death
For the sake of immortality
Carved from a mountain
and stacked to the sky
On symmetrical foothills in the sun
A child asks 'why not here, why wait till we die?'
And I say
There is a place where stones fit together perfectly
Broad slopes inhaling light
on all four faces
To let us never forget the dark
the price each man faces to step inside
the burning shade of life
I say that light is only bright
to the darkest places
that a smile is happy first
to the saddest faces
pleasure and pain
the immortal refrain.