I'd really appreciate a business environment that doesn't try to shove any halfway intelligent woman up the managerial ladder just so that she can "prove that the company isn't a boy's club"... it's just as sexist to not permit your female coders to WRITE CODE as it is to prohibit your personable female managers from rising up the ladder. I've
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The one thing that equalizes men and women is, ironically, the one thing that feminists seem to rail against the most... unfettered capitalism. Why is that? I firmly believe this; If equality of the sexes is the best way to go, those who implement it will become stronger than those who don't... in the absence of heavy-handed government regulation used to punish those who don't conform to an authoritarian vision.
And I do believe that equality of the sexes, real equality, is the best way to go ( ... )
The problem with female superheros when it comes to women is that they're still geared towards men! They still go about with a rack like... well... you get the idea. And they dress like they're going to die of exposure if the temperature falls below 65F!
I appreciate and prefer movies/books/etc. that present strong, well-dressed female characters, and I think a lot of people do, because they seem to do particularly well in the theater and beyond. But there, you see, I'm not calling for a ban or blowing my top like feminists tend to do... I'm supporting what I like with my own money!
But there you go... If feminists succeed in forcing a webcomic with a majority male viewership to present 50% of superheroes as female, they'll do it! And anyone who doesn't like to see women objectified will hate it even more...
Princess Leia from Episode IV is immediately who jumps to mind with your description... much as she's probably better-known for the gold slave-bikini in VI, I find the white dress far more iconic, and her actions... well... quite heroic. I've liked her a lot for a long time...
So I think I know what you mean. There is something quite nice about that. (Even though... well, I'll admit it, I tend to mostly go after the male characters. Except for Disney princesses, who I tend to like a lot.)
Actually, I'm not sure feminists would go after webcomics. The ones I've listened to seem to be very concerned with the strength and power of the originating agency--why Pixar needs to have a female protagonist, rather than going to or making the movies that have the features you like. Because it's those in the stronger positions in society, who have the power to change it, who have the duty to ( ... )
Basically, it's incredibly good fun with lots of goofiness and touching moments.
(apparently they co-write, he draws, she puts in dialog, and then Mr. Wright colors it)
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