We have a lot to thank him for...

Dec 14, 2010 12:37


WASHINGTON  - America's neighborhoods became more integrated last year than during any time in at least a century as a rising black middle class moved into fast-growing white areas in the South and West.
Still, ethnic segregation in many parts of the U.S. persisted, particularly for Hispanics.

Segregation among blacks and whites fell in roughly three-quarters of the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas as the two racial groups spread more evenly between inner cities and suburbs, according to recent census data.
In the interpretation of this news, we must remember that the U.S. Census is taken every 10 years. The term "this year" suggests that more integration happened under President Obama than ever happened under any previous president. However, that is misleading, perhaps deliberately. (Newsmax isn't exactly a liberal newsgroup, but the article here is AP.)

Remember that the last U.S. Census was taken in 2000.

Go further down the article, and you find hints of this information. They don't say "Neighborhoods were more integrated in 2009 than in 2008." They pointed out that this is a comparison with 2000.

Now use your noggin, that's what God gave it to you for. In the past year and a half to two years, have you heard much about minority families moving into middle-class and upper-class neighborhoods? Let me put it another way.. Do you hear much about people buying houses? No, in fact, the opposite is happening. Foreclosures are up, and have hit the black and Hispanic communities especially hard. So what does this article mean?

Simply that under George W Bush, his "tax cuts for the rich", and his "horribly biased" presidency, blacks have made unprecedented gains in joining the middle and upper-middle class and integrating into more privileged societies that were previously nearly entirely white. While liberal minority leadership was bemoaning the most horrible policies in history, the actual minority populations were making some of the biggest gains in history.

conservatism, racism, economy, taxes

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