Many Democrats want the cuts to continue only for those with annual income of less than $200,000. But the White House is likely to sign on to a temporary extension of the tax reductions for everyone.
The Democratic-controlled House approved a bill with the $200,000 limit Thursday, but the Senate won’t follow suit.
"At a moment when they could have celebrated victory, this White House incredibly chose to wave the white flag - signaling to Republicans that they will take any deal, no matter how bad, including borrowing billions to extend tax cuts for the richest Americans," says Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. "This is a direct betrayal of a core Obama campaign promise, and the essence of political malpractice and negotiating incompetence."
That emphasis above was mine, by the way, and this is why:
They are NOT borrowing billions in order to extend tax cuts!
They are borrowing billions in order to spend spend spend on tons of "stimulus" payments, bank bailouts, and other various items that are actively hurting our failing economy!
If someone goes over-budget spending $500 on new clothes, $800 on new home theater equipment, and $300 on food, do you scream at him for buying food? No!
Take this, put it in your mind, and keep it there, because the liberals are once again trying to spin reality to fit their own purposes.
Obama is not borrowing billions in order to refrain from taking more away from us.
Obama is borrowing billions to engage in runaway spending.
The answer is to cut the spending, not to raise the taxes.