High School Shit Needs To Stay In High School!

Aug 31, 2005 23:51

Ok, all you readers listen up. I've been having it out with this friend of mine, and here's what's been goin' on. She's really pissed off and jealous that I have a gf and that its not her. Honestly, I really don't have time for all this shit, cause I'm trying to make my relationship work. And in orders to do that, I can't worry about all this shit that she's bringing to my door. Her name is Dawn, and here's what she said about me in her Live Journal:

"Rocky, you have changed, see you get someone in your life and say fuck everyone else right? Well fuck that I am not down with that and if you get hurt do not come to me, you are Not a real friend....if you was you would have sent me an e-mail, hell something could have happened but w/e I have friends that do care!"

My response to that:

"You know that I've been real busy with work and other things. There's alot of people that I haven't had the time to talk to, not just you. Ya know what, forget it. You know that I care about you as a friend. But how many times do I have to tell you that I was busy with work and things that were goin' on in my life. Things that I really didn't want you involved in. You know that I go through alot of shit. I've not changed one bit. I've always cared about you as a friend. Just because I don't send you a letter or an email, DOES NOT mean that I don't care about you. You're not the only friend that I have. But if you want to be that way, then fine.

Here's a piece of advice. Learn to grow the fuck up and be happy for me, for once in your life. Stop tryin' to hold me back and keep me for yourself. I never once did that to you, and I was ALWAYS happy for you whenever you were with someone. If that's not being a real friend, then you tell me what is. I haven't got time for this bullshit."

Here's what she said next:

"Well then we have nothing more to say to each other then, do you? I don't need people like you in my life. Yes I am happy for you, I told you I am, I also know how busy people can get but you could still make time for your friends, but it's pointless, I need time away from you, I can't deal with it. Good luck with everything in your life and I'll be in touch sooner or later, who knows when. If you don't have the time why even bother to write me? Doesn't matter, have a good life!"

My response to that:

"You don't need people like me in your life? WTF! What is with you these days? If you were really happy for me, you'd act like you were. But you're not acting that way at all. You think that I'm supposed to just sit here and wait for you to come around to be with me. Well, I told you in the begining that I wasn't gonna do that. That I was gonna try and find someone closer to me. Yes, I wanted to be with you at one point. But, I realized that would never happen due to the distance. So, I decided to no longer chase that dream and went with a new one. I still think of you and care about you as a friend, you know that.

But if you're goin' to act like this, then I guess its best that we part ways now. I'm not sure how many times I can say this, but I only have time to do so much in a day. I have many friends that I talk to, you're not the only one that I have, and my world doesn't center or revolve around you like you wished it would. Its just not gonna happen. You say that you're happy for me, but how do I know that you really mean it? I don't, not at all. Cause last time we talked on the phone, every time I mentioned my girlfriend's name or talked about her, you acted as if you could really care less about it. Cause I could hear it in your voice.

That doesn't show me that you're really happy for me Dawn. All of my other friends are happy for me, and they really show it. Each time I talk about my girlfriend, they only have positive things to say and wish me the best of luck. You've yet to do that. All you can think about is that I'm not with you.

Once you grow up and realize that we're only gonna be friends, then I guess its best that we never speak again."

Now ya see what I've been havin' to deal with these past few days. That, and the whole Rob and April situation, which I'm not goin' to get into, cause I'm stressed out enough. This is total high school bullshit, and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Dawn, if you're reading this, GROW UP!

~From The Ashes, I Shall Rise~

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