A real update!

Aug 01, 2005 23:58

I know, shocking isn't it? And guess what? It's not a list! Not yet anyway.... :)

So farking tired! Been a hella weekend, let me tell you.

Had so much offered to me, and too much to do! Had gotten offered a chance to do a fashion show for Teen People the magazine making boucoup money and had to turn it down due to prior obligations.Poop.Coulda been published.. and made a shitload of money.

Got offered a chance to spin fire in front of thousands of people on stage at Ozzfest on Saturday.No money involved, but would have been hella fun! Had fun that night anyway(details on that later in this post) mytarnishedsoul got to do it with some other friends I know and said they had a blast. You go son!

Saturday night after work I had a hair competition at Vision nightclub. Hadn't originally planned on doing this due to the wedding and stuff, but sooo glad I did! The theme this year was hair-a-go-go.I decided I wanted to do something futuristic but with a 60's twist.So I did Jola's hair in this huge updo blending her red hair into a black hairpiece with silver accents. She wore her fabulous 50's silver space outfit. It looked so cool! Was interesting getting her in and out of the car! I won a trophy for best use of haircolor! Woo Hoo! Need to use Jola for every competition. She's the key, I swear. Thank you so much! I have stuff for you too, when i see you again!

Me and Jola Hairball 2005

My hair of the future creation!

There are more pictures but i am having issues uploading, so I will mess with it later. Too damn tired!~

Went to savagemutha's house for many drinks afterward was so psyched! Stayed out wayyy too late. But was fun!

Sunday was the evil bbq at Satan's house. i was so wiped out and hung over at work that i was woozy and felt like i was gonna pass out during my last client, so was crabby and really didn't wanna go. Guess what, got drunk! Big shock huh? Ran into an old student of mine. Pathological liar, pain in my ass, dropped cuz she had attendance and attitude problems. Nothing has changed. But she did finally graduate from beauty school. Good for her. Hope things are really going as well as she says they are. But for fuck sakes, get the fuck outta the sun! Too damn tan! Looks like the girl from something about mary..

Had a company picnic today at busse woods. Was fun, but being hung over in the sun is awful. Was very hot, and got burned even though i had on spf45. Was better than being in the salon, and i got to hang withcarriemonster!

Came home and napped on the couch, and then headed off to my devil's second sleep study with the breathing machine. Looks kinda funny, but as i was watching and waiting for him to fall asleep, even I noticed a difference! In that half hour i was there he probably got more unbroken sleep than he had gotten in years. I hope this helps, he scares me when he stops breathing in the middle of the night. And i want him around for a while. And the insurance is paying for it!Thank dog!

I'm gonna stop now as my typos are horrendous and i need sleep myself...
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