May 24, 2005 23:14
I dont see why anyone likes me really,and it sucks.I dont see this beauty people see.I've been hurt.I've been abused.I've been alot of places,and dealed with a lot of stuff.
I broke a mirror the other day cause i was staring at it,and staring and just seeing this ugly thing looking back.I was searching for this beauty people speak of.I just cant find it.No matter what people say,its just nothing.
Some person the other day called me ugly.This person is so not important to me,and their opions mean nothing. But ya know what it brang back memories.And it sucks.
I dont want to breath right now.
This whole crap with my theatre exam is all on my shoulders.Its all up to me,whether we do this show. Im having so much trouble with these lines,its not even funny.I cant get into character at all.Damn I hate me,and as i set her and complain guess what I could be studying my lines.THing is I could list everything thats bothering me and why i cant conentrate and all my little distractions,but according to V and everyone else its still my fault.
Also I cant deal with betrayl.I look at you and I see it.I just cant deal with it.It hurts more than you will ever know.