Oct 25, 2014 12:45
This year's dance events are scheduled!
Jules Verne’s Twas the Night Before Christmas Formal Ball:
Monday Dec 15th - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
The Labyrinth Night Club
What would the holidays look like if Jules Verne wrote “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” if H.G. Wells penned “A Christmas Carol,” Mary Shelly authored “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” or Fritz Lang directed “A Charlie Brown Christmas?” While you're pondering that, dress in your Neo-Victorian holiday finest and have a grand time at this year’s GothCruise formal.
“This One Goes to 11” Masquerade:
Friday Dec 19th 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
The Labyrinth Night Club
Two words: Metal. Start growing your hair, break out your Metallica T-shirts, your spandex tights and your leather vest. Come dressed as your favorite metal head, or as you are. (If you’re a metal head already, you’re all set.) One thing for sure: this is going to be loud.
See you on board!