Help: Plot Bunnies

May 25, 2010 01:50

Usually, at work, when I get bored, but my boss is close enough to notice me texting, I brainstorm plot bunnies for future fanfic. Last weekend, I came up with a few ideas for the West Wing, though I am unsure which to focus on most at the moment. So, I though I would let the readers give their input, though be warned, I might not actually take your advice and write whatever inspires me most. However, knowing what teh readers like would be helpful, and if any of you have an suggestions for different plot bunnies, those would be cool, too. Who knows? You could inspire a new fic.

So here's what I've got:

Title: On Being Best Friends
Summary: Donna contemplates being in love having a crush on her boss and best friend, Josh Lyman.

Title: Standing at the Intersection of Bitter and Sweet
Summary: Santos loses re-election. What Josh thinks.

plot bunnies, help

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