Seeing things (again)...

Sep 07, 2008 00:17

[OOC: Key-17 delivery courtesy of arkhams_dr. Part of a continuing storyline with the good doctor and knowthenbreak. The Rachel Dawes and Jim Gordon mentioned in the ensuing RP thread are strictly NPC versions. Since I also play/write det_stephens, he is obviously NPCed with permission.]

It was a busy afternoon, but for the first time in awhile, Harvey felt at ease. Work was running smoothly - by the end of the week, the Grayson trial would be over. Rachel was working on her own trial with another ADA, giving them a little space for the time being. Nadine was supposed to be arriving with lunch soon. In the meanwhile, Harvey sat at his desk with a stack of mail to go through.

It was all routine - form letters, junk mail, bureaucratic stuff he didn't have time for. Even knowing that half of it would be going into the trash and the other half would be given to a secretary to deal with, he still went through it himself. In the middle of a postcard advertisement for the opening of a new retail store and a memo, he pulled out one of those familiar blue legal motion pamphlets.

What now? Harvey wondered. Motion to dismiss? From which case? Unaware that the motion was in fact one of Crane's "special deliveries", he opened it up, hurriedly.

Instead of anything remotely legal, the inside of the booklet read:

Demons ooze out of your walls, coming for you.

Inexplicably (except to the man who'd planned it), the words he read became "real". With a scream, Harvey threw the booklet away from himself and began throwing anything he could get his hands on at the walls, shielding himself from his hallucinations.

[character] jeff stephens, [character] james gordon, [character] jonathan crane/the scarecrow, [verse] pre-shatter, [character] rachel dawes, [character] nadine lewis, [timeline] mid-tdk

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