Oct 04, 2012 20:56
I'm currently having a tweet conversation with the representative of Manchester Airport! *mind boggled*
There's a new series on BBC2 called 'The Choir' where this bloke called Gareth Malone has gone around a number of big companies in the UK and started up workplace choirs, looking at how they effect moral. Which, as you guys know, is what Andrea and George have been doing since 2008! *grins* So we've started hanging out on Twitter while the show is on, commenting encouraging things and - as a useful side effect - raising awareness of Sing & Inspire and what they do.
The hour or so beforehand involves a certain rallying of the troops, so there's a bit of chatter going on already - the Manchester Airport tweeter spotted this and sent me a comment, so we've been bantering back and forth a little bit. *grin* I have no idea how people manage to post Twitter threads on Livejournal so I can't show anyone, but it's amusing me no end! *grin*