Sym's follow-up visit to the Vet

Feb 17, 2010 13:39

Another morning visit to the Vet - but this time Sym managed to refrain from soiling his carrier - possibly because he'd already gone less than an hour previously.

I explained to the Vet how his stools were more solid this morning, but he was rather withdrawn and hadn't been interested in his food since yesterday evening. He'd had maybe a bite or so of his evening meal, and didn't show any interest in his breakfast at all.

He checked Sym's temperature, which was apparently slightly higher than on Monday, and couldn't feel anything suspicious in Sym's abdomen. Sym has to remain on the liquid anti-inflammatory stuff, along with some steroid tablets *sighs* And he wants to see him again in about three weeks - sooner if anything concerns me.

And promptly charged be another forty quid *sigh redux*

As soon as we got home, the first place Sym went was to his food bowl, which was a good sign. However, he must have gorged himself 'cause he brought it all back up again about an hour later....

Guess we just wait and see how it goes now.


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