Series Title: Amser A Ddengys (Time Will Tell)- part three
Story Title: Penblwydd Hapus! (Happy Birthday!) (1/1)
Rating: General at present, though may go up, but 'Adult Concepts' throughout. Slight swearing in this one.
Spoilers: AU from the start of season two, but everything is fair game.
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Toshiko
Disclaimer: Don't own them, hope I can do a better job than Rusty *makes stabbing motions*
Summary: It's Ianto's birthday, and Jack intends to spoil him rotten.
Notes: Wrote this last summer, but didn't get it finished in time to post it for Ianto's birthday. I'm three weeks ahead of myself again this year, but I wanted to post it anyway. The last part of the story is based on something my BFF
thaya_rayal did to me! *grins*
“Jack - the Ianto-alarm just went off on my system.” Tosh called out from her workstation through to Jack's open office doorway, glaring at him in amusement. “Shouldn't you be getting on with some work?”
The 'Ianto-alarm' was what she called the warning that came up on her computer whenever Jack accessed the CCTV routines she'd set up to monitor Ianto's safety during Jack's absence. He was only permitted access provided he didn't abuse it and start stalking the poor man. He remembered she'd been very nervous when she first told him about it.
“Jack...there's something I should maybe tell you - concerning Ianto.” The petite oriental woman looked like a guilty child, framed in the doorway to Jack's office.
He frowned in confusion, “Tosh?”
“After he quit, I was concerned about him,” she said hesitantly, “So I set up a routine on the CCTV monitoring system.”
“You've been spying on him?” Jack's eyes widened.
“Only while he's away from home,” Tosh insisted, “I didn't watch it all the time - the footage gets saved in a special encrypted file, and I sneak a look every now and then. Just to make sure he's safe and happy.”
“And was he?”
Tosh shrugged, “You know Ianto - he internalises far too much. But he seemed to settle in at the museum quite well, and I saw him out with his colleagues socially a fair few times.”
Jack nodded thoughtfully. “Did he...was he seeing anyone? While I was away?”
Tosh gazed at him evenly, “Have you asked him that question?”
“No.” He admitted.
“Then I'm certainly not going to answer. It's not my place.” She brushed her hair behind one ear, nervous again, “You're not angry with me?”
“For not answering? Of course not, you're totally right I need to ask him.”
“No, for spying on Ianto these past few months.” Tosh stared down at her hands, clasped together in her lap. Jack chuckled, rising to move around the desk and kneel in front of her.
“Of course not,” He grasped her tiny hands in his larger ones and kissed them softly, “Thank you for watching over him for me.” She blushed prettily, her relief obvious.
“Now,” Jack grinned, “Show me what he's up to!”
Jack grinned happily and beckoned her over to see his computer screen. “Come see.”
Tosh leaned over his shoulder, curious to know what her boss was up to. On the monitor was the foyer of the National Museum of Wales in Cathays Park, Jack having accessed the camera trained on the reception desk.
“Oh, he's working in the museum in town today?” Tosh asked, knowing Ianto usually worked at the Museum of Welsh Life out in St Fagans.
“Yeah, they're understaffed this week, so he's helping cover. His boss isn't happy, since it's the busiest time of year now the kids are on their school holidays.”
They lapsed into silence as they watched their friend at work. A minute or two later, they watched a courier approach the reception desk with a small parcel, gesturing for Ianto to sign the delivery notice. Jack leaned closer to the monitor, wide grin on his face, wishing the picture quality was better so he could see his lover's expression as he opened the parcel.
“Is that from you?” Tosh smiled, aware of Jack's nervous tension.
He nodded, “It's his birthday.”
Tosh glanced at the calendar on Jack's desk in surprise, “Oh my god, so it is! You have to wish him many happy returns from me.”
Jack briefly smiled his agreement, his attention still fixed on the CCTV footage.
“What did you get him? Nothing embarrassing, I trust, if you've had it sent to his workplace.”
Jack laughed, “No, I'm not that much of an idiot. It's a box of chocolate-coated coffee beans, with a note offering to take him out for lunch.”
“Aww, how sweet!”
They watched as Ianto opened the box with all the caution of a bomb-disposal expert, laughing once he saw the contents. Jack beamed in triumph as Ianto offered some of the beans to his colleagues who'd gathered nearby out of curiosity. Most seemed to decline, but one or two eagerly helped themselves. Ianto then busied himself with something under the desk, and Jack's mobile phone beeped in his pocket. The two Torchwood operatives shared another grin as he retrieved his phone and read the incoming text message.
“Diolch yn fawr, cariad. Lunch would be great - I'm on break at one thirty. Xxx” Jack read aloud for Tosh's benefit. She grinned at his attempt at the Welsh words.
“That's in two hours.” she pointed out, “Think the rift'll be kind and give us a quiet afternoon?”
“Let's keep our fingers crossed!” Jack replied, knocking on his wooden desk as an extra precaution.
At precisely half past one, Jack was sitting on the steps leading up to the National Museum of Wales, watching as people went past. As it was a glorious summer day, his greatcoat rested folded across his knees, and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to his elbows.
Jack smiled as he heard familiar footsteps descending just to his left, and a shadow fell across his shoulder. He turned to grin a welcome as Ianto sat down beside him; neither said a word for a long moment, enjoying each other's company in the sunshine.
“So.” Ianto broke the silence, “Where are we going for lunch?”
“Well, I was going to take you to Ha-Ha's, but I changed my mind. It's too pleasant out today and Greyfriar's Road is too busy to even sit outside,” he brought out the Subway bag he'd tucked behind his feet, “I thought it would be much nicer to go eat in the park instead.”
Ianto smiled in agreement, “That sounds lovely.”
“C'mon then!” Jack hauled himself to his feet before grasping his boyfriend's hand to lift him up. He didn't let go as they crossed over the road to the park opposite.
Gorsedd Gardens was, understandably, full of people - mostly office workers and students from the nearby university - who had also decided to enjoy the good weather that was normally so rare in Cardiff. But thankfully it wasn't so crowded they couldn't find a nice clear spot to enjoy their lunch. Jack spread his greatcoat out on the ground with all the flourish of Sir Walter Raleigh, Ianto laughing at his antics.
“What did you bring?” he asked, peering into the bag. Jack reached in and brought out one of the wrapped sandwiches. He carefully unwrapped it a little to check its contents before handing it to the younger man.
“That's a cheese salad on Hearty Italian for you,” he announced, “And mine's a steak and cheese. There's salt and vinegar crisps too, along with some cola.”
“Lovely, I'm starving!” Ianto tucked in straight away, leaning against Jack a little as he ate. The older man smiled in contentment, pressing a kiss into Ianto's hair.
“Penblwydd hapus, cariad.” he muttered, enunciating carefully, “Dw i'n dy garu di.”
“Diolch,” Ianto beamed at him, “Thank you Jack. I love you too.”
“You must have seen all this being built, right?” Ianto observed, munching on his crisps.
Jack nodded, gazing around at the Civic Centre, with its elegant architecture, “I was one of the first people to visit the Museum when it opened.”
Ianto's eyes widened, “Really? What was it like?”
Jack shrugged, “Like most museums of the time - paintings, ancient pottery... I just liked having somewhere new to visit. You had to work hard at entertaining yourself back then - there were no DVDs to watch, or video games to play.”
“Or porn to look at on the Internet.” Ianto commented wryly. Jack laughed.
“True, Owen would have hated it back then.” He grinned, gesturing towards City Hall, “Did I tell you what happened when the Doctor, Rose, Mickey and I visited a former Lady Mayor?”
Ianto's eyes narrowed a little at the mention of the Doctor, but he simply said “No, tell me?”
“You remember Margaret Blaine, right?” Ianto nodded, frowning in confusion, “Well, the Doctor recognised her as one of the Slitheen who blew up Downing Street.”
Ianto's eyes widened, “Just before Harriet Jones came to be Prime Minister?”
“Yup. So obviously we had to go confront her - I was still mortal at this point, and hadn't been travelling on the TARDIS long...”
Jack spun his tale with relish, enjoying the chance to reminisce, but all too soon Dai Bach was chiming half-past two from the tower above City Hall. He sighed ruefully as they got up, grimacing at the numbness from sitting on hard ground.
“Thank you for lunch, Jack.” Ianto said as they walked back across to the museum.
“My pleasure, birthday boy.” They shared a grin, “I'll see you later - want to eat out, my treat?”
“Sure. Where?”
“That's your choice, since it's your day. Let me know when I get home?”
Ianto nodded, “Don't be late back, if you can help it?”
“Promise.” Jack gave him a brief, almost chaste kiss farewell, before the young Welshman ascended the steps and returned to work. Ianto gave a quick wave goodbye, then he disappeared through the grand doorway and Jack headed back to the Hub, whistling a happy tune.
“Jack, I still don't see why I need to come along today - it's not like they'd let me in to this meeting of yours?”
“They will if I say so.” Jack squeezed Ianto's hand, concentrating on the book he was reading.
“And another thing - why are we taking the train when we could have driven down? I didn't think you liked trains.”
“I don't, but I'd rather spend three hours on a train with you than have to concentrate on driving for four hours. Plus, this way avoids those congestion fees and carpark charges,” Jack shuddered, “I hate London's carparks.”
“I remember.” Ianto grinned, “Well, okay but you better make it worth my while, Jack.”
“Oh I will.” Jack leered, “We'll get dinner someplace nice, and then we'll stop over at a hotel before heading back in the morning.”
Ianto looked dubious, but said nothing. Jack smiled softly before returning to his book. He only read for another fifteen minutes before putting it away and engaging Ianto in a debate about UNIT and Torchwood inter-co-operation. Before they knew it, the train was pulling into Paddington Station. The station was crowded as they made their way towards the Underground.
“We want the Northern Line.” Jack said, tugging Ianto along by his hand. The other man frowned; Jack had been extremely vague about their ultimate destination, implying it was 'need to know'. He wondered where they could possibly be going that required using the Northern Line.
The subway train arrived shortly after they reached the platform, and they struggled on with all the other commuters. Jack looked a little grim, hating crowded public transport. Ianto merely poked his arm with an amused 'This was all your idea' look. The older man responded with a sheepish smile.
Ianto's confusion was further compounded when they disembarked at Tottenham Court Rd station. He dutifully followed Jack out to the street level, smiling to himself at the sight of the Dominion Theatre, with it's huge statue of Freddie Mercury.
“Right, which direction now?” he asked
“Right through those doors.” Jack pointed at the doors to the theatre with a self-satisfied smirk.
Ianto's jaw dropped in astonishment as Jack's meaning set in. “Are you kidding me?”
“Not in the slightest. I can show you the tickets if you like.”
Ianto shook his head, wrapping his arms around Jack's neck in a tight hug, completely oblivious to the crowds around them.
“You mean we've come all the way here to see 'We Will Rock You'?” he pulled back to see Jack's beaming smile, “You bastard!”
Jack laughed, “You're welcome! I was wondering what to get you for your birthday when I saw the soundtrack in your CD collection. I remembered you saying you'd always wanted to see it, but never got the chance.”
Ianto nodded, still in shock.
“Is it okay?” Jack asked, a little anxious.
“Okay? It's bloody brilliant!”
Jack beamed, reassured, “Well then come on! Let's check it out.”
They emerged from the theatre three hours later, Ianto in an almost Nirvana-like state of happiness.
“That was fantastic.” he breathed
“I don't think I've ever seen you so enthralled before,” Jack chuckled, “Not even when watching rugby. I thought you'd be singing along the whole time.”
Ianto shook his head, “I've been listening to the CD for years - it was so fascinating to finally see it all in context. Thank you so much Jack!”
Jack kissed the top of his head, “You're more than welcome. Happy birthday, Ianto.”