Jun 28, 2008 15:00
Till today's episode of Doctor Who! *bounces impatiently*
I'm not sure how and when I'm going to get to watch it as Rowan's been playing me up all day today. I think the problem is that he's bored, but it's entirely of his own doing; he's been supposed to be cleaning his room for the last two weeks, and I've forbidden him to watch TV or play video games till the work is finished. I let him go to dance last week, for the physical outlet, but he hasn't gone this week 'cause he didn't bother to get dressed in time.
He's now outright refusing to clean his room - which means he won't be watching Who tonight. He hasn't seen it for the past fortnight; I had to watch Midnight via iPlayer on the computer, and I put him in the bath last weekend and watched Turn Left with the sound down and the subtitles on. Gonna have to do something similar today.
He's now trying to sneak out of the living room window so he can play outside....he's so blatant in his defiance.
Still - eeee! Can't wait! :-) I was squeaking and doing my happy dance watching the teaser last weekend.
Gonna be at a birthday party in the West Midlands during next week's finale! *facepalms* But at least the people we're visiting are fans too - I'll get to watch it with them after the party, which will be awesome! I haven't watched with genuine fans in ages!
doctor who