
Sep 21, 2008 14:29

WTF GAIA. I'm serious.

It's disturbing to see breast cosmetic surgery ads on like, a kids site. ...Even though not ALL the users there are kids by age...BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

I do not want to see THIS:


...I think I see..AREOLA DEAR GAWD 8O..prolly a shadow BUT MOVING ON...

On the home-fecking-page D:<

GOD DAMN. I knew society was going down quicker than a cheerleader on prom night but REALLY?

I rant here, PUBLICLY FOR ONCE..because from what I've noticed with Gaia...they don't..CARE...much. And out of spite, I'm gonna make you look bad. HA!

It cruel..making me see ads for one of the things that make me cringe. Big bewbs are DISGUSTING. ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY GROSS. LEAVE IT TO ANIME PLZKTHXBAI. *shudder* Though they're not being used in photos, it's IMPLIED, by showing "small" breasts being covered in implied SHAME AND DISGUST (at least that's how I interpret it, though honestly, they're just FINE they way they are) And little female kiddies do NOT need to be considering becoming Barbies. Not like the media is helping with that to begin with but...again;

Kids site + boob job ads.


*carries on with treebly bznz*
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